
Archivio categoria: Azienda

Grandinetti srl at Cersaie 2015, Bologna (Italy) 28 settembre – 2 ottobre



After some years of absence this year we will be present again at the “International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and bathroom furnishings” CERSAIE to be held at the Bologna exhibition center from 28 September to 2 October 2015. You will find us in Hall 22 , stand B86.


Configurator software + Virtual Tile laying and 3D visualization




Now online the new Gradinettti configurator software; you can personalize your decor, choose from dozens of colors and materials, create your installation and show your floor in 3d.

Try it now, click here!

Grandinetti at Project Qatar – Doha 4 – 7 may 2015


Grandinetti will be present for the second time to this important event which will be held futuristic Quatar national convention center.

In 2014 for its 11th edition, the show moved to the Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC), a modern venue with state-of-the-art facilities. Project Qatar hosted 2100 companies displaying their products and latest technologies to 48,953 visitors, within 24 national pavilions from 47 countries.

You can download your free invitation from this address.




Anima, new product and new catalog



Is now online the new “Anima” catalog which introduces important features like “Anima∞” the low thickness (maximum 3 mm) concrete solution for floor and wall adapted to all surfaces (concrete, wood, tile, metal, glass. ..), realized in the colors “Anima” and in an infinite range of tailored colors and “Anima60” the first cement tiles 60×60 Full Body available in all the colors of the range.


Grandinetti at Project Qatar – Doha 12/15 may 2014


Grandinetti will be present for the first time to this important event which will be held futuristic Quatar national convention center.

Project Qatar’s 2013 edition surpassed all expectations, including its previous edition in 2012, thanks to an overwhelming response from both exhibitors and visitors. Project Qatar’s 2013 edition hosted 2,100 local and international exhibitors from 50 countries spread across 62,000 sqm of indoor and outdoor exhibition space. The event featured over 3,000 brands and marked a record increase of 16% in surface area, and 45% in international participation.

You can download your free invitation from this address.




“Anima” the new catalogues

We live in spaces. The space of our daily habits, the space of our home and ideas, the space of our life. These spaces would be heartless and meaningless if they were not the mirror of our way of being and feeling.  Anima was born from this certainty and from many years of hand-crafted mastery made by people who know how to mould and work on a lifeless stone, giving it life and warmth. Every single piece is a unique result of the work of skillful hands: a precious uniqueness that shows palpable signs of the liveliness of the homemade process through every single shade and change of tone. Our wish is Anima would liven up the spaces of your life, making your thoughts, desires and passions its main characters.


Grandinetti 2.0

New graphics and new content on the site and blog –  blog. The website was developed for simplify the navigation from personal computers, tablets and smartphones and to make more accessible all content. The work of renewal is completed with the integration of information with social networks and sites like facebook, twitteryoutube and flickr.
Happy surfing!

Acquamarina, articolo 94

Il pontile verso rotonda ha il colore dell’acquamarina, se chiudi gli occhi e ti aggrappi alla balaustra ti sembra di aver poggiato i piedi sopra un’onda solida, ne senti il profumo ed il rumore, il frastuono a volte. Passo passo ti allontani dalla terra e piano ti tuffi in uno specchio d’acqua tondo che non bagna, senti col naso e con gli occhi il sale nell’aria, distingui il passaggio delle onde che vagano lontane dallo sbatter contro i granelli di sabbia; ti meraviglierai di come un orizzonte così semplice, una linea dritta contrastata di azzurro, porti con se migliaglia di poesie, di quadri, di amori, ti stupirai nel pensare che quella linea riflette l’iride di occhi che, come i tuoi, stanno scrutando il cielo, l’acqua e oltre, il mare.

Così nacque quel colore, frutto di uno lungo ed articolato studio sulle emozioni vissute in riva al mare, nato da precise osservazioni sui colori diversi  riflessi dalle onde al mattino, alla sera e di notte.

Grandinetti “терраццо”

men - tree earth

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